Invitation to Tender: Collections Mount Making for Harris Your Place project
We are now inviting organisations to express interest in collections mount making for the Harris Your Place project.
Harris Your Place is a £16million project set to restore and reimagine the Harris for 21st-century audiences as a community, cultural and learning space.
When the new Harris opens, inventive blended displays will give access to remarkable collections. New spaces have been designed to activate curiosity, creativity and reflection and offer library services in enriched settings. Positioning the Harris as a uniquely blended venue, true to its original purpose.
Scope of the Project
The Harris, Museum, Art Gallery and Library houses a permanent collection of fine art, decorative art, social history and historic books. The Harris would like to appoint a mount maker to produce approximately 3200 mounts and provide mount making services in preparation for the Harris reopening in 2025. The external exhibition and design team, Ralph Appelbaum Associates (RAA) have designed a series of six mount types to support the displays.
The tender process is being managed via The Chest portal.
Please follow the link button for information on the project and full tender documentation.
Written by The Harris Museum

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