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Get Involved // Egyptian Balcony Guide
Egyptian Balcony Tour Guide
See if we are recruiting Egyptian balcony guides on our volunteers portal
This is the role for you if you…
- Have a good head for heights – the balcony runs round the top of the building and not everyone enjoys being up there.
- Can manage several journeys up and down the narrow staircase of 50 steps
- Are confident in telling the stories of the Egyptian Balcony in ways that engage visitors of all ages – from role play with families to fans of Ancient Egypt
- Are organised and able to manage your time
- Are available on Saturdays, and preferably other times, and able to commit to regular time slots over the year
What’s involved?
- Sharing your enthusiasm for the history of Ancient Egypt and the Harris through engaging stories that bring the paintings of pyramids and pharaohs to life.
- Thinking about the needs of the visitors in the group so everyone is engaged and comfortable – we have different tours for families and for adults but each group is a mix of ages and knowledge.
- Pacing the visit and managing questions during the tour in a friendly manner so the group finishes at the right time.
- Learning the tour information – facts, stories, paintings – for the adult and family tours thoroughly. There are comprehensive scripts that underpin the guides’ knowledgeable and entertaining personal delivery.
- Making sure things run smoothly and safely by liaising with our Visitor Services team and knowing procedures for health and safety and evacuation.
- Working with the rest of the small volunteer team to take turns in leading and supporting the regular Saturday public tours and any requests for special tours at other times.
There is also a Powerpoint Virtual Tour of the Egyptian Balcony that can be delivered to outside groups and in the Harris on request.
When do we need your help?
- The Egyptian Balcony team meet once a year to organise next year’s rota to cover:
- Adult tours on the second Saturday of the month at 2pm throughout the year.
- Family tours on the fourth Saturday at 11am throughout the year except December.
- An ‘open access’ session from 1-3pm for Heritage Open Days replacing the September adult tour.
- Requests for tours or the Virtual tour can arise at any time – often daytime but occasionally in the early evening.
- Each guide usually does around 7-8 regular tours a year, and may cover for sickness or take additional tours.
Guides need to arrive 30 minutes beforehand to ensure that everything is ready for the tour.
By getting involved you could…
- Get to know a hidden part of the Harris in detail and share it with visitors.
- Use your skills as a communicator, and develop your own style within the helpful framework of the tour.
- Regularly enjoy the ‘Wow’ that visitors can’t help expressing when you show them the Egyptian Balcony for the first time.
*Please note, the Egyptian balcony is up steep, narrow stairs without lift access.
Photo credit: Justin Paget, Country Life, 2016

What's on
So much to see and do at the Harris
We have activities for adults, young people (12-16 and 16-19) and families with children. The majority of our events and workshops are FREE and there’s a packed programme of regular events as well as special talks, tours and workshops.