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Staff Recommendations: Young Readers

Whether you are young or young at heart, sharing stories and reading aloud provides numerous benefits. We have started a tradition at the Harris where staff share a Younger Readers’ Picture Story.

This book review is for ‘Two Bears‘ by Patricia Hegarty and Rotem Teplow.

A beautiful thought-provoking story of how two very different bears embark on a journey of a lifetime. What will happen when they meet? A great way to speak to little ones about the big issues they will be facing as they grow older. This will really ‘warm’ and ‘melt’ your heart. A perfect story for any restless or ‘grizzly’ children that is sure not leave their hearts ‘bare’. It will become a fur-m favourite and will be poles apart to any other story you have read so far.

Why not reserve your copy here?

Front cover of Two Bears by Patricia Hegarty and Rotem Teplow.

Written by Shakil and Elaine.