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Staff Recommendations: Young Readers

Whether you are young or young at heart, sharing stories and reading aloud provides numerous benefits. We have started a tradition at the Harris where staff share a Younger Readers’ Picture Story.

This book review is for ‘The Hug‘ by Eoin McLaughlin.

Tortoise and Hedgehog are on separate journeys to find someone to hug. Will they find each other?
The wise and talon-ted owl describes it best “There’s someone for everyone.”

An uplifting story that highlights the importance of physical contact. This is very cleverly structured as the story does not end where you expect it to…
Would the tortoise describe this story as tort-ally spe-shell?
Would the hedgehog describe it as h-edgy?
This is a story to fully embrace. A hug-tastic book!

Why not reserve your copy here?

Collage image of 'The Hug' book

Written by Shakil.